
at Sacred Heart Primary School

We take bullying very serious at Sacred Heart and always endeavour to fully investigate any incident reported in and around our school. Bullying can happen anywhere and be about anything. In the age we live in, there are many different types of bullying, from physical bullying to cyber bullying.

Below is a link to Childline, for help and support for Children and Young People who are being bullied:

Below is a link to Bully Busters, for information and practical advice for Kids on bullying:


Cyberbullying is when someone bullies, threatens or harasses you online. It can happen on social media, games or anywhere else you go online.

People might bully you by:

  • sending nasty or threatening messages

  • posting photos, videos or posts about you online, or liking posts or comments about you

  • trolling you or commenting on your posts or pictures saying nasty things

  • revealing personal details about you online

  • starting a group chat to talk about someone

  • targeting you over and over in an online game.

Cyberbullying might only be happening online, or it might be part of people bullying you in other ways as well.  If you feel unsafe, always tell someone. Make sure you take these concerns to an adult you trust and let them know what’s been going on. The most important thing is to not suffer in silence.

The Safeguarding Resource Hub provides additional resources that can support children, young people, parents/carers and professionals:


It’s Cool to be Kind’ aims to encourage everyone to be more thoughtful about their actions.

ThinkB4UClick’ aims to encourage everyone to reflect before they post or send a message.