School Uniform
School Uniform
at Sacred Heart Primary School
Acceptable Uniform
All school uniform and kit is available to buy from Laser Schoolwear, located on London Road and Truetex also on London Road.
White Shirt
Red Jumper with school logo or red v neck
Red Cardigan with school logo or red cardigan
Grey Trousers or Skirt
School Tie or Elasticated Tie (available from the school office)
Black Shoes (No Trainers)
In the Summer children may wear Grey Shorts with the school embroidered polo shirt or a white shirt and tie or a red and white checked Summer Dress.
Acceptable P.E. Kit
School embroidered P.E. t-shirt or plain white t shirt and either red or black shorts or leggings.
Trainers or pumps
Plain black sweatshirts and jogging pants may be worn in the winter months.
Swimming Kit
Swimming Costume or Trunks/Swimming Shorts (Long Swimming Shorts are not allowed)
Swimming Cap
All Key Stage 2 children attend swimming lessons at some time during the school year. Swimming lessons are compulsory, as part of the National Curriculum.
*A note is required from parents if a child is unfit for a swimming lesson.
Jewellery and Personal Property
No jewellery is allowed in school, other than small, discrete plain gold or silver studs in pierced ears and a watch. Any child found other jewellery, they will be asked to remove it and place the items in a sealed envelope. The Parent/Carer will be contacted and requested to collect the jewellery from the school office. This is a Health and Safety regulation. Full details are in the School Uniform Policy. If your child has shoulder length or long hair they must have it tied back. This is especially important for PE lessons.