Prayer and Liturgy

Prayer and Liturgy
at Sacred Heart Primary School

An act of Prayer and Liturgy takes place every day and is an important part of our school life, making space for pupils and staff to come together and share in worship through learning, music, reflection and prayer. Our worship is inclusive and gives all of the school community the chance to be part of the experience, while respecting the integrity of family and cultural backgrounds. 

Children pray together at various times in the day with reverence and respect. They also enjoy singing hymns together in class or as a whole school during our weekly Gospel Assembly led by the Religious Education Lead Miss Kayayan . Celebration Assembly is led by Mrs McCallum or by individual classes on a Tuesday – this also includes the opportunity to celebrate the children’s’ successes both in and out of school. We also come together once a week as a key stage. All staff are timetabled to lead the key stage Prayer and Liturgy on a rota basis and the theme is taken from the liturgical year or from Come and See/With You Always.  Prayer and Liturgy is led in class by the Class Teacher for the remaining two days. 

We are blessed to be able to invite Father Fitz into school every Monday morning to talk, listen and pray in class. He also spends time with the children during their break time so they are able to ask any questions or tell him their news.