Headteacher’s Welcome

Headteacher’s Welcome
at Sacred Heart Primary School
I am delighted to welcome you to our school website: I hope it will give you a flavour of our wonderful school. We are a popular and thriving school in the heart of Liverpool where every day we have the pleasure of welcoming in our pupils from Nursery to Year 6. We are extremely proud of our happy school, our pupils and their successes. The school is a vibrant and joyous place to be, with lots of exciting things going on. As a well-established school, we have welcomed families for many generations, which is built on the great links between the home, school, community and parish.
Sacred Heart is an ethnically diverse school with children originating from across the globe and so are proud to be ‘the world in one school.’ Our children, staff and parents will quickly make you and your family feel part of our school community.
We are blessed that Father FitzGerald, our Parish Priest, visits school on a weekly basis that the children and staff love. As a Catholic School with close links to our parish church and parish community, Christ is very much at the centre of everything that we do at Sacred Heart.
Our school has a Good OFSTED rating and our RE Inspection highlighted that “Pupils are outstanding in the way in which they contribute to and benefit from the Catholic life at Sacred Heart.
We are a happy school and one that always welcomes support from our community: one we proudly call our Sacred Heart family. If you haven’t had the opportunity to visit our fabulous school, or would like to know more, please do get in touch.
Alternatively, if you are enquiring for a Reception place, please contact myself or Miss Mercer on admin@sacredheart.liverpool.sch.uk or 0151 709 1782 and we will be able to give you further information. Equally, if you are looking for a space in Key Stage One or Two, please contact us and we will do all we can to support you.
Best wishes and thank you for visiting!
Mrs Joy McCallum