Before and After School Club
Before and After School Club
at Sacred Heart Primary School
Kids Club
Kids Club is our breakfast and after-school club provision.
Kids Club opening times:
Breakfast club - Monday to Friday 8.00 am - 8.45 am - £1 per day
After school club - Monday to Thursday - 3.15 pm – 5.30 pm and Friday 3.15 pm – 5 pm - £5 per day
To book, please speak to Mrs Chaba and the Office.
Payment must be made daily or weekly via ParentPay or cash to the Office. Children will not be allowed to stay at Kids Club if they are in debt for sessions attended.
Clubs and Extra Curricular Activities
At Sacred Heart, we are delighted to offer a variety of clubs and extra-curricular activities for children in Years N - 6. We aim to provide a range of provision that will appeal to all children so that every child can find a club that interests them. Inevitably, we are often over-subscribed, but the club organisers do have waiting lists, so please do not give up hope!
We offer an exciting variety of lessons including, recorder, choir, STEM, Multi-Skills, phonics, crafts, tag rugby, football, Beatbox and basketball. The choice of clubs may change throughout the year and these will be advertised to parents accordingly. Children have the opportunity to sign up to a new club and forms must be returned to secure a place in the club.
We aim to increase the variety of clubs on offer as we progress throughout the year.