Our Governors
Our Governors
at Sacred Heart Primary School
The governing board has a range of duties and powers including:
A general responsibility for the conduct of the school
Promoting high standards of education
Setting targets for pupil achievement
Managing the school’s finances
Ensuring the curriculum is balanced and broadly based
Appointing staff and reviewing staff performance and pay
The governing board has considerable discretion as to how to discharge its responsibilities but is required to constitute itself in line with the regulations and to appoint a chair and vice chair. The governing board may delegate certain of its responsibilities to certain governors or committees of governors.
School governors are drawn from different parts of the community, such as parents, the Staff, the Local Authority, the Community and other groups. This helps to ensure that the governing board has sufficient diversity of views and experience but does not mean that governors of a particular category “represent” that group on the governing board. For example, Parent Governors do not act as a representative of the parents at the school and do not report back to them.
Governor Types
parents and carers of pupils at the school are eligible to stand for governorship at the school. Parent governors are elected by other parents at the school. If insufficient parents stand for election, the governing body can appoint parent governors.
Both teaching and non - teaching staff are eligible for staff governorship. Staff governors are elected by the school staff and must be paid to work at the school – volunteers are not eligible. The Head Teacher is a member of the governing body by virtue of his/her office and counts as a member of the staff category.
LA governors are appointed by the Local Authority. In Liverpool, the City Council is the appointing body.
Community governors are appointed by the governing body to represent community interests, including the business community.
foundation governors are appointed by the school’s founding body, usually diocese or trust. If the school has a religious character, the foundation governors must preserve and develop this. As an AOL Catholic School & Nursery, our foundation governors are appointed by the Archdiocese of Liverpool and uphold the CES code of conduct.
persons who give substantial assistance to the school, financially or in kind, or who provide services to the school can be appointed by the governing body as sponsor governors.
The governing body can appoint associate members to attend full governing body meetings in a non-voting capacity. Associate members may serve on one or more governing body committees with limited voting rights.
Please see the following links for more information and contact the school office should you require any detail on how to contact our governors.
Governor Information