Our Parish
Our Parish
at Sacred Heart Primary School
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School is affiliated with the local Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church. As a religious school we attend the church for a variety of events, we see religion as an integral part of our lives and our Catholic ethos central to our education.
Parish Priest: Father FitzGerald
Sacred Heart Church,
Low Hill & Prescot Street
L7 8TG.
Tel: 0151 263 6578
Our values are based on the Gospels of Jesus Christ and the teachings and aims of the Catholic Church. The Parish Priest of Sacred Heart Church is Father FitzGerald, he has a close relationship with our school and takes time every Monday to visit our children during morning break and deliver Class collective worship.
Parish, School and Home Links
We have good links with our parish church through the sacramental programme. Staff work in partnership with the catechists, Parish Priest and families to prepare the Year 4 children for their First Reconciliation and Holy Communion The children attend monthly sessions to prepare to receive these sacraments and work closely with our church catechists. We also hold our Y6 leavers mass at church and all parishioners, governors and parents are invited to attend.
We promote community cohesion and have close partnerships and links with other local catholic schools. Our catholic community extends to Our Lady of Compassion, Formby, where we have taken part in a ‘school swap’. Our junior classes spent time hosting days for Our Lady’s and showing them around our local area. We will soon be visiting Formby, for a similar experience.
Parents are informed each term through a newsletter about what will be taught in R.E. There are also placed on the school website under the R.E. section. Parents receive a weekly newsletter from school which included regular information about the catholic life of the school. Parents and parishioners are invited to a range of events; celebration assemblies, Masses, Carol concerts, Advent Services, Lent and Easter reflection and nativity productions. We also hold meet your teacher sessions at the start of each academic year where RE/RSE and curriculum is discussed and parents are given ideas on how they can support their child’s learning at home.
During the Spring term, we will be introducing Stay and Pray sessions for parents and the local community. We will be inviting them to attend and join our Collective Worship Sessions.

Standing proudly on the corner of Hall Lane and Prescot Street in Kensington, the sandstone church is a Grade II listed building. It has played an important part in the community ever since it was opened in 1886 due to the expanding Catholic population in Liverpool. The core elements of the church, such as the nave and exterior, were designed by renowned ecclesiastical architect George Goldie.
Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church
The Sanctuary of Sacred Heart Catholic Church
As well as our frequent trips to Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church, we often visit the Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral too. Officially known as the Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King, it is one of two cathedrals in the city, the largest Catholic cathedral in England and the mother church of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Liverpool. The Grade II listed Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral is the seat of the Archbishop of Liverpool.
The Archbishop of Liverpool is the ordinary of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Liverpool and metropolitan of the Province of Liverpool. The archdiocese covers a 450 square mile area, encompassing the bulk of Lancashire, parts of Merseyside, Halton, Warrington, Cheshire, the Isle of Man, and Greater Manchester.