
Welcome to our Class Page
Nursery - 2022 - 2023

Welcome to Sacred Heart Nursery! I am Miss Hannah, the Nursery teacher. I have been at Sacred Heart for the last two years, however, I have ten years of experience working in Early Years. We also have Mrs Delaney as our Teaching Assistant. Mrs Delaney has worked at Sacred Heart for over 20 years and has lots of experiences working in Nursery.  

We believe a child’s learning experience should be happy, messy, exciting and fun. It should support their development and learning needs. During their time in Nursery, children in the Early Years Foundation Stage learn by playing and exploring, by being active and through creative and critical thinking which takes place both indoors and outside. The Early Years are an exciting time for you and your family and they are very important stages of your child’s school journey.


Nursery Team:

Class Teachers - Miss Hannah

Teaching Assistants - Mrs Delaney



Literacy in Nursery, includes talking about and retelling stories, noticing print in the environment, early mark making and showing a ‘can do’ attitude to writing their name, as well as sharing and enjoying listening to stories. Nursery rhymes are also important for children to learn and join in with as this helps with communication and language.

Here is a link to the ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt’ story told my Michael Rosen who wrote the story. Enjoy!



Maths in Nursery, is all about counting one to five through singing counting songs such as; Five Currant Buns, Once I Caught a Fish Alive, Five Little Monkeys and Five Little men in a Flying Saucer. Colour sorting activities, sorting shapes and showing how to rotate and flip shapes are important skills for children to learn as well as reciting number names in sequence.

Nursery Rhymes


In RE, we explore ‘Myself’ knowing that God loves me. ‘Welcome’ teaches us about how Baptism welcomes you into God’s family. ‘Birthday’ is all about looking forward to Jesus’ birthday. Through this RE topic, the children will be recalling or explaining what happens on their birthday and learning about Advent through making Advent wreaths.


Our theme this half term is all about ‘Birthdays’, especially as we will be celebrating the birth of Jesus.  We are currently learning about Autumn due to the changes the children can see in the outdoor environment. 

P.E Kit

In Nursery, the children need daily gross motor activities to develop their balance, mobility and learn how to take risks in the outdoor area. PE in Nursery, develops the children’s skills in order to build their core stability which will support their fine motor skills and will give them the tools in order to meet their Physical Development goals for the EYFS curriculum.  

Nursery have PE on a Thursday afternoon. Please bring your child in black PE shorts/leggings/jogging bottoms and a t-shirt as well as Velcro trainers.

Other Information

Children have access to drinking water so we recommend your child has a water bottle labelled with their name. We do ask that only water is in your child’s water bottle, no juice. 

A pair of wellies is advised as we do go outside in all weathers!

Also, a bag of spare clothes would be helpful to have in Nursery at all times, including items such as a pair of socks, leggings/pants, a t-shirt and a spare jumper. All items must be labelled with your child’s name. 

Reading and Homework

In Nursery, we encourage parents and carers to read stories as this helps your child with their communication and language, literacy skills and personal, emotional skills too. We recommend reading a story before bedtime as this will help your child to be calm and ready for bed.

Your child will be bringing home a red book bag every Friday with a story that your child has chosen to read over the weekend with you. This needs to be returned by the following Wednesday. We will also ask you to do activities at home following on from what we have been learning about in school that week. E.g. We have learnt about the number 2 – look for items that are in 2s, can the children find two books, two red cars, etc.


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