
Welcome to our Class Page
To apply for a place in Reception 2025, please follow this link School admissions - Liverpool City Council and apply through the Liverpool City Council Website. We are looking forward to
welcoming you to our school. Please contact the school office on 0151-709-1782 to speak to our admissions team if you would like further information.
Reception Team:
Class Teacher - Mrs Tonnesen
Teaching Assistant - Miss Daley and Ms Ritson (1:1)
Hello! We are Mrs Tonnesen, Miss Daley and Ms Ritson (1:1) and we are the Class Teacher and Teaching Assistants in Reception class. We are so excited for our first term of the new school year! We are all looking forward to getting to know all of the lovely children. We will have so much fun learning together!
In the Early Years classes, we are extremely lucky to have access to a range of different areas to develop our learning. Our classroom has both an indoor and outdoor environment for the children to explore, and the children have lots of different activities to take part in every day. Alongside their learning in English, Maths, RE and Phonics, the children get to take part in exciting, enjoyable activities in continuous provision. These include: singing songs together, creating art with a variety of materials, role-play and dressing up in the Home Corner, strengthening their hand muscles in our fine motor area, investigating in the Mud Kitchen, and building in the Construction Area.
We are excited to be a part of the children’s development and learning throughout the coming academic year. We want to develop their enjoyment of learning and see them flourish whilst at Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School and Nursery.
At Sacred Heart, we believe it is crucial that children develop a lifelong love of reading. This year, we will be helping the children to improve their speech and language skills through reading together, being read to and reading to others, enjoying a variety of poems and songs.
Our daily phonics follows the ‘Read, Write, Inc’ program, where children read and write daily. Our children make great progress using this!
Please practice reading and writing the letters at home. We will send weekly homework for you to practise the sounds learnt that week, with your child. The more practise they have will support them in accessing reading opportunities all around them. You could ask them to read signs, cereal boxes, leaflets, etc. This will allow them to be exposed to the new letters more often and they will begin to recognise the sounds for themselves in their environments.
Spring Term
Over Spring Term 1, our Literacy topic will focus on “My Hero”. Our theme encapsulates themes such as Super Heros and people who help us . This will be achieved through poetry and stories. The children will be spending a lot of time learning about personal characteristics, how we treat each other and thinking about the people around us, who help us everyday. They will have opportunities to retell stories, discuss the characters abilities and the impact they have on others.
During Spring Term 2, the children will move onto a new topic; “Traditional Tales.” We will explore traditional stories, such as Little Red Riding Hood and descriptive poems. Children gain so much from poetry as the rhyming really helps to develop their language skills, especially if their first language is not English. So, please encourage their rhyming and singing, it’s all part of our mission to develop their love of reading and stories!
Within Maths, we will be building a foundation for the children to build on throughout their time in school. They will develop a strong knowledge of the numbers to 10, and be able to count beyond 20. They will use resources such as bead-strings and tens frames to help them organise their counting. We will also be creating opportunities for children to develop their knowledge of shape, space and measure throughout the year.
Some websites for the children to explore are:
In RE, our branch for Spring Term 1 is called ‘Galilee to Jerusalem’. We will learn about how Jesus spent his early years and what he did to help people as he became an adult. We will also focus on how Jesus welcomed and cared for everyone. The children will spend time thinking about the ways Jesus helped and how people around the world help each other every day through acts of goodwill. We also have daily Prayer & Liturgy where the class comes together for a moment of calm, to pray together, and to listen to music and a piece of scripture.
Spring Term 2 will focus on the branch known as “Desert to Garden.” Children will discover and explore the period of Lent, beginning with how Jesus died on Good Friday and rose again on Easter Sunday. From then, we will focus on the traditions and messages surrounding the resurrection of Jesus and the meaning of new life and its related symbols.
Throughout the Spring term, we will continue to ask questions and recognise how we show positive qualities, such as kindness, love and care, in our daily lives.
During Spring Term, we will be exploring the “Past and Present,” People and Communities” and the “Natural World.” This term we will focus on Chinese New Year, respecting other cultures and the differences between different countries and their cultures.
Throughout the unit, “My Hero”, we will be learning about the people around us who help. We will think about how our families help and how the wider community helps. We will explore this theme through real-life interactions with members of our community, through fiction and non-fiction stories, role-play; such as creating a veterinary surgery in class.
Our ‘My Hero’ topic will be closely interwoven with our PHSE lessons. We will be working hard to establish that is ok to like different things from your friends, making new friends with different people, developing confidence to try new things and understanding that it is ok to make mistakes, with adult support.
These themes will be explored using short inputs, enhancements placed throughout continuous provision (indoor and outdoor) and using adult-led and child-led activities to enhance learning.
The PSED curriculum map is formed through using resources from Journey In Love, Ten Ten, No Outsiders and also naturally evolves from any PSED needs identified within the cohort. The children will explore themes such as seeing themselves as valuable individuals, they will be encouraged to set goals for themselves and show resilience and perseverance in achieving those goals.
Children will also learn about identifying their name, their emotions and the emotions of others. They will do this through practical activities, relating to this, that will be offered throughout the year. Children will complete a cooking activity on a Thursday, which allows them to consider and practice turn taking, applying their manners, and using their communication skills to talk about what they need and what they are doing. It also provides opportunities for students to practice important life long skills such as cutting vegetables, rolling dough and using kitchen equipment safely.
Teachers and Teaching Assistants will continuously be monitoring children’s progress throughout their lessons and helping to scaffold the children’s learning as and when necessary. At the beginning of their time with us in Reception, the children complete a Baseline Assessment in Maths and Literacy. At the end of the Reception year, the EYFS Profile will be completed for every child. Each child’s level of development will be assessed against the Early Learning Goals and will provide a well-rounded picture of a child’s knowledge, abilities, and readiness for Year 1. During the Summer Term, the children’s assessment against the EYFS goals will be finalised and the results will be shared with parents and the local authority.
Children will have updates to their profile on Class Dojo to showcase their abilities and achievements during the week.
During Spring Term, Reception will explore gymnastics and dance with a PE specialist. They will practice movement, sequencing, balance and they will be honing their co-ordination skills during this term. These activities and games will give the children a great base to build these new skills upon and this will support and extend their development during the forthcoming units.
PE takes place on Friday mornings, however, this can be subject to change and parents will be notified accordingly. Children should please wear a plain white t-shirt, plain joggers, leggings, or shorts (red, white, or black), and trainers to school on this day. They are also able to wear their usual school jumper or cardigan.
Reading and Homework
Please encourage your child to read every night for around 5-10 minutes and the reading diary should be filled in by an adult.
Phonics practice sheets, maths activities and reading books are given out every Friday. Please complete their reading record each time with a brief comment, and ensure your child’s book bag and completed homework are returned every Wednesday.
Keeping up to date with your child’s learning
Keep up to date with our latest news by following @SacredheartL7 #SH7reception