Year 2
Welcome to our Class Page
Year 2 - 2024 - 2025
Welcome to our Year 2 class page. Our class page is here to support both children and parents, and give you lots of useful information about what is going on in our wonderful class!
Year 2 Team:
Class Teacher - Mr Howarth
Teaching Assistant - Miss Hargreaves
Autumn Term
IEnglish skills are used in all of our subjects and so we practice many of these skills every day through handwriting, reading, writing and spelling.
The vehicle text for our English lessons in the first half of autumn term will be A River by the author Marc Martin. Using the vehicle text, the children will plan and write a circular narrative. They will also write a letter, to give a solution of how to avoid certain danger. In the second half of the autumn term, the vehicle text will be the Night Gardener by the Fan Brothers. Using the text, the children will write their own setting narrative and diary entries.
During English, the children will be given a chance to use all of the skills they have developed in Year 1 and be taught more skills; including writing sentences using capital letters, full stops, some question marks and exclamation marks. Writing extended sentences using the conjunctions ‘but’ and ‘because’. They will expand their knowledge of suffixes, adding -ful or -less to form adjectives, and use commas to separate items in a list.
Using the phonics program Read Write Inc, the children will continue to have daily phonics lessons. We use these lessons to teach the children to build up their reading fluency and comprehension skills. The children will also have daily shared reading lessons where they will read and explore a wide variety of texts, which will analyse and discuss together as a class, in small groups and individually.
We love our stories and always find time in our busy day to come together and enjoy and share the love of reading. We would ask that you support your child at home by reading with them each night for just 10 minutes and signing their reading log so they can earn dojo points and rewards.
The following websites will support your child’s learning in English:
Visit Phonics Play to play phonics games with your children. There are also vocabulary and comprehension games to support reading at home
Visit BBC Bitesize for more games to support grammar, punctuation, spelling, reading and writing.
Visit Oxford Owl for support with spellings and phonics.
In Maths lessons, children use lots of manipulatives to learn and explore. Children will use Numicon, base 10, 10 frames, number lines, counters and cubes to name but a few.
To start the Autumn term, children will explore place value, we will be counting objects within 100, partitioning numbers and placing them in place value charts. We will continue to count in 2s, 5s and 10s and learn how to count in 3s. We will use number lines to estimate numbers, compare numbers using comparison symbols and write numbers to 100 using words and numerals. After place value, the children will use their knowledge of number and learn how to add and subtract within 100. They will learn number bonds and fact families and use an array of resources to confidently answer number sentences.
To finish the term, the children will learn about Shape, they will recognise more 2D and 3D shapes. They will sort shapes into different groups according to their characteristics. They will look for lines of symmetry and make patterns using different shapes.
We also focus on basic skills in Maths continually throughout the year; including:
counting in steps of 2, 3, and 5 from 0, and in 10s from any number, forward and backward (and relating these to the 2, 5 and 10 timetable)
recognising the place value of each digit in a two-digit number (10s, 1s)
identifying, representing and estimating numbers using different representations, including the number line
comparing and ordering numbers from 0 up to 100; use <, > and = signs
reading and writing numbers to at least 100 in numerals and in words
using place value and number facts to solve problems
We will also be focusing on our times tables this year and practice these daily to ensure we are confident with our multiplication. Please encourage your child to access TT Rockstars daily to become fluent with their multiplication facts.
In Science, the topic this Autumn term is Living things and their habitats. The children will learn about a range of habitats and how animals adapt to suit their environment. The children will learn about minibeasts and the microhabitats that they are found in. We will discuss the difference between living, dead and never been alive animals and begin to classify them into the categories. The children will learn about food chains and order animals using vocabulary such as producer, consumer, prey and predator. During this term, we will go to the Museum of Liverpool, we will be able to consolidate our learning and explore extinct animals in the dinosaur area and explore marine life in the aquarium and look at microhabitats in the bug house.
Religious Education runs through all that we do in Class 1, and we make links to our school work and home lives regularly through RE lessons and Collective Worship and PSHE lessons.
We began this Autumn term with the branch of Creation to Covenant -through scripture, the children will learn about the story of Noah and God’s promise to us. We will listen to and use psalms to reflect on God’s awe and wonder. We will revisit the symbols of Baptism and visit Sacred Heart church to watch a staged Baptism service. After half term the children will be learning scripture from the branch of Prophecy and Promise. The children will learn about John the Baptist, Zechariah and the share and celebrate the Christmas story which will be read through the lens of St Luke.
We are also lucky to have Fr Fitzgerald coming into class each half term to share the Good News with us.
History & Geography
In the first Autumn half term, the children will be exploring and delving back into the past for our history topic How was schools different in the past? During this unit of work, children will find out that schools have been in the locality for a long time but they have not always been the same. Children look for similarities and differences and use a range of sources enabling them to recognise some continuity between their lives and the past. We will invite a visitor to talk about what school was like in the 1960s.
After half term, children will use their Geographers minds and learn about the weather, with the topic entitled. Would you prefer to live in a hot or cold place? They will learn about seasonal and daily weather patterns in the UK. We will use maps to look at hot and cold places in relation to the equator and the North and South poles. The children will be introduced to the basic concept of climate zones and mapping out hot and cold places globally. We will compare features in the North and South Poles and Kenya as well as in the local area. They will also learn the four compass points and the names and location of the seven continents.
Children will also continue to study other subject areas. In Music lessons this term, children will play tuned and untuned percussion tapping to the pulse and playing different rhythms. They will start to explore notation and compose their own short melody. After half term, we will explore West African call and response songs, and they will compose their own song.
In Art this term, we will be focusing on painting techniques using Primary and Secondary colours. They will make collages and also use pastel hues. After half term the children will learn Design Technology. They will be joining materials to create a bag. We will also explore and create food from different cultures.
In Computing lessons, the children will use the Purple Mash and will be learning about how to stay safe on the internet. They will also learn how to use emails and send and receive. After half term, the children will learn how to search for information on the internet and how to present that information using different publications.
The children will also continue to learn PSHE/RSE, E-safety and British values. During this Autumn term, the children will learn about their health and wellbeing: they will explore how to recognise feelings and understand what goes on in our bodies. They will learn about medicines and how to stay healthy. They will learn about relationships and explore the difference between families, respecting each other and celebrating being unique. The children will be taught how to keep safe online.
To keep physically active, in PE lesson children will be taught and learn ball skills and how to move with the ball in different ways. After term we will move onto specific fundamental skills in gymnastics.
At the end of KS1 there are Optional Assessment Tests (SATs) taken by our Year 2 pupils. They will be taken during May 2025. The tests are in Reading and Maths (arithmetic and reasoning). The Year 2 teacher will make a judgement based on the child’s performance in class as well as the test outcome to decide whether the child is working towards or at the expected standard and submit this data to the local authority.
P.E Kit
We are promoting physical activity as much as we can throughout the school day – this is proven to have a positive impact on mental health and well-being! We will be participating in the Daily Mile and there are playground activities at break and lunchtime.
PE takes place every Monday. Please send your child in wearing the appropriate PE kit (white T-shirt, black/grey or red shorts/leggings, plain black pumps or trainers)
Reading and Homework
Please encourage your child to read every night for around 5-10 minutes. It is important they reread the same text to build their fluency, expression and understanding of what they have read.
Spellings are given every Friday and new reading books are also given out on this day. A topic homework will be set each half-term based around what the children are currently learning about in class. Please return reading books and reading records by Wednesday each week. It is important that you comment and sign your child’s reading record. The children will also go to the school library to choose a reading for pleasure book. We would like to encourage you to share the love your reading with your child and read the reading for pleasure book together.
Homework books
Children will be sent home with homework books every Friday which needs to be returned on Wednesday morning.
Keep up to date with our latest news by following @SacredheartL7 #SH7Year2