Year 3

Welcome to our Class Page
Year 3 - 2024-2025
Welcome to Year 3. My name is Miss Reid and I am so excited for the year ahead at Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School. This is my third year teaching in Year 3 and I am looking forward to all the fun learning that will take place as we grow together. It is going to be a busy but fun year as build our knowledge and learn new things! Miss Parkinson will help and support you on your learning journey in Year 3.
Year 3 Team:
Class Teacher - Miss Reid
Teaching Assistant - Miss Parkinson
Curriculum Maps
In the Autumn term, we will read the text ‘Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes. The children will continue to explore using conjunctions, adverbs and prepositions to express time, place and cause within their writing. We will analyse the example text and write our own approaching threat narratives apply writer’s knowledge explored in our lessons. The children will build upon their previous learning and focus on using a range of prefixes and using a or an correctly.
To prepare us for writing our approaching threat narratives, we will analyse key structural and language features. Our English lessons will be fun with lots of role play and debates to bring our learning to life and stimulate ideas.
In Shared Reading, the children will build upon their learning in Geography and Science by reading ‘My Book of Rocks and Minerals’ and ‘Forces in Action’. Children will continue to develop retrieval skills while understanding how books are structured in various ways for a range of purposes. They will continue to apply their growing knowledge and understanding of root words, prefixes and suffixes.
In the Spring term, we will read ‘The Rhythm of the Rain’ by Grahame Baker-Smith to help us write a setting narrative. We will continue to develop our writing by focusing and building upon existing knowledge of conjunctions to express time, place and cause. The children will further devlop their understanding of the present perfect form in contrast to the simple past tense. We will think carefully about our audience and the purpose of our writing.
In the Summer term, we will focus on the book ‘Egyptology’ by Dugald Steer. During this unit, we will write an Egyptian mystery narrative. We will continue to build on our knowledge of using ‘a’ or ‘an’ and word families. Throughout our writing, we will explore using adverbs and prepositions to express time, place and cause.
In Shared Reading, the children will continue to learn about the Ancient Egyptians through various fiction and non-fiction books.
In Autumn, we will begin the term by recapping and building our knowledge of place value, focusing on recognising the value of three digit numbers using ones, tens and hundreds. The children will continue to use a range of resources to help deepen their understanding and apply their learning. We will then move on to apply our learning in addition and subtraction.
In the Spring term, we will build upon our multiplication and division skills learnt in the Autumn term and continue to practice our times table recall focusing on the 3,4 and 8 facts. We will use our knowledge of the times tables and apply this when multiplying a two digit number by a 1 digit number. The children will continue to use various resources in the classroom for support and consolidation.
We will then move on to further our understanding of money by beginning with a recap on the value of different coins. The children will add and subtract mixed amounts, find change and add and subtract mixed units. Throughout this topic, the children will apply their knowledge to answer problem solving and reasoning questions.
Year 3 will look at fractions and decimals. They will understand that each whole has parts and apply this to unit fractions. We will order fractions on number lines and find equivalent fractions. We will order and compare fractions and find fractions of amounts.
During the Summer term, we will explore 2-D and 3-D shapes in our Geometry topic. We will then move on to learn about statistics by interpreting and recording data using pictograms and bar charts. We will then focus on measuring length and perimeter. We will also learn how to measure mass and capacity using a range of equipment to support us.
In Autumn, we will learn about rocks and soil. We will categorise different rocks and soil by investigating their properties and making observations. We will learn about the process of fossilisation and make links to how fossils help scientists.
In Spring, Year 3 will learn about plants. The children will explore the various parts of a plant and the functions they do and demonstrate their learning with labelled diagrams. We will investigate what plants need to grow well and make conclusions based on their findings. They will learn that to survive, plants need air, light, water, nutrients from soil and room for them to grow.
We will investigate how they grow in different conditions. We will learn about the life cycle of a plant and describe each stage. The children will continue to develop their scientific vocabulary and apply this within their learning. In Year 3, we are enjoy hands on learning. We will learn about how water is transported through plants by planning and conducting a fun experiment.
In Spring 2, the children will focus on animals including humans. We will learn about the different bones in the human skeleton and the importance of bones and muscles. We will categorise animals based on their skeleton type. The children will understand that how energy is measured and will develop their knowledge about the different food groups and the nutrients they provide.
This term in Science, we are going to be exploring forces and magnets and how magnetic forces are used. We will then move onto deepening our knowledge of the impact of science in the world around us and the importance of scientist’s inventions and findings.
In the Autumn term, we will begin with the topic ‘Covenant and Creation’.
In the Autumn term, we will learn about volcanoes and explore why some people live beside volcanoes. We will learn about different types of mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes. The children understand how people can prepare for earthquakes and the positive and negative reasons for living beside volcanoes.
In Spring, Year 3 will learn about various settlements and how they are different. We will begin by learning about different types of settlements - villages, towns and cities. The children will learn key information about each settlement and draw conclusions on how they are different.
We will recap on our geographical kowledge of the United Kingdom, focusing on cities, counties and surrounding oceans.
We will explore the different types of land use in different areas, focusing on commerical, residential, agricultural, recreatational, and transportation. We will use our learning to help us conduct fieldwork in our local area, developing our knowledge and understanding of OS maps. Finally, after learning about our local area, we will compare this to land use in New Dehli.
In the Summer term, the children will learn about the Ancient Egyptians. We will look at developing an awareness of how historians learn about the past and the skills necessary to create a timeline from their findings. This will explore the importance of religion in the life of the Egyptians and how this led to pyramids, tombs and mummies.
In Summer 2, we will be learning about longitude and latitude and how this links to climate. We will also explore the physical features of a polar region and how humans have adapted to working there – whilst understanding there is no permanent population.
P.E Kit
Please ensure that the correct PE kit is worn – White T-shirt, black/grey or red shorts/leggings. Plain black pumps or trainers only for PE.
Reading and Homework
Please encourage your child to read every night for around 5-10 minutes. Please sign your child’s reading log. Reading books can be a mixture of short fiction and non-fiction texts or your child may bring home a novel to read therefore, how often they change their book can vary. Please remember to return any reading books after your child has read them.
Homework and Spellings are given every Friday. We also encourage children to regularly access Times Table Rock Stars with the log in they have been given. Topic homework is a project that will be set to be completed over the half term.
Keep up to date with our latest news by following @SacredheartL7 #SH7Year3