Year 5
Welcome to our Class Page
Year 5
A warm welcome to Year 5, and to upper key stage 2. Year 5 is the year of delving deep into our learning, and challenging what we know about the world around us; Will we ever return to the moon? What was life like in Tudor times? Why do oceans matter? We will improve on our research skills and begin to offer reasonable and factual evidence in answering these important questions.
Year 5 prepares our learners for the world by exploring creativity, problem solving, and resilience. We give our children the responsibility and choice over their own learning to prepare them for their futures with high expectations of their behavior and imbuing a love for learning about the world.
Hello everyone, my name is Miss Rice and I am the class teacher for 5SR, I am also the Curriculum Lead for Science.
I love reading stories and writing my own, I also love anime and manga. I enjoy lots of different types of music and I am a true Swiftie. I love lots of different types of crafts such as sewing, crocheting and knitting. I also love going on long walks with my daughter and our Portuguese Water Dog – Fred.
Hello everyone, my name is Mr Campbell and I am the class teacher for 5AC.
Year 5 Team:
Class Teachers:
Miss S Rice and Mr A Campbell
Teaching Assistants:
Mrs H Boyd
Mrs P Lyons
Mr P Hampton
In English, each half term we will study a different text which will act as a stimulus for our writing. Please see below for the text we will be studying and the range of writing genres that will be focused upon.
Autumn Term
English in year 5 enables the children to explore a fascinating range of texts. We look in depth at our writing and how to manipulate language for the best effect on the reader.
The Autumn Term includes many writing outcomes; including two extended pieces in each unit. The first two are an Exploration Narrative and a Formal Mission Log inspired by the book When We Walked on The Moon by David Long which explores mans mission to space and the moon. The second two are a Setting Narrative and a Letter inspired by the book FaRther by Grahame Baker-Smith which explores themes of World War 1.
Spring Term
The Spring Term Writing outcomes are a Cliff-hanger Narrative and a Formal Report inspired by Hound of the Baskervilles by Arthur Conan Doyle which is a world-famous Novel including the infamous detective Sherlock Holmes. The second two are a Character Narrative and Bargain Letter inspired by the book The Promise by Nicola Davies which explores a tale of hope in a seemingly hopeless place.
Summer Term
The Summer Term Writing outcomes are a Survival Narrative and a Survival Guide inspired by the book The Lost Book of Adventure by Teddy Keen which explores many of the worlds most famous landscapes and how we might survive if we ever found ourselves stranded. The second two are a Dilemma Narrative and a Balanced argument inspired by the Graphic Novel King Kong by Anthony Browne which explores themes of people facing issues and solving problems as well as the ethical issues around animals in captivity.
Reading is one of the most important things that we can teach in school; children can access new worlds and experience the joys of a range of stores! Children should be reading as often as they can, and should be around texts and books that they enjoy. Here are some useful links to use while reading with your children, and some great ideas for books. Don’t forget that we have a wonderful library service in the heart of Liverpool City, only a short walk from school.
Our books throughout the year are link to various areas of the curriculum and will cover a range of areas such as The classics, Modern Literature and Poetry.
In Year 5 we learn about the following topics in Maths:
Autumn Term:
Number and Place Value; Addition and Subtraction and Multiplication and division
Spring Term:
Fractions; Decimals and Percentages and Geometry.
Summer Term:
Statistics and Measure (Time, Perimeter and Area and Length, Mass and Capacity)
Autumn Term:
Our first topic of the term is Space, this will extend our knowledge of space including spherical bodies, movement of the earth and moon and the intricacies of day and night.
In Autumn 2, our topic will be living things and their habitats, focussing on how our actions are having an impact.
Spring Term:
In Spring 1, our topic will be forces. We will explore the different forces we experience in every day life and conduct experiments to test how different variables affect these in different ways.
In Spring 2, our topic is Animals including Humans, here we will explore how different creatures on our earth grow in different ways.
Summer Term:
In Summer 1, Year 5 will be focusing on exploring properties of Materials. The children will investigate properties such as, hardness, transparency and conductivity.
In Summer 2, we will explore changes in Materials. We will experiment with reversible and irreversible changes and dissolving and separating materials.
Religious Education
Autumn Term:
In RE, our first topic is ‘Ourselves’. During this topic we will be learning qualities and talents that we have and how we are created in the image and likeness of God.
Following on from this, we will be studying ‘Life Choices’. As part of this unit we will be considering things such as marriage, commitment and service.
We will then look at Other World Religions, focussing on Islam including Ramadan and Pilgrimage.
During Advent, we will focus on ‘Hope’ and waiting in the joyful hope for Jesus.
Spring Term:
Our Spring Term begins with ‘Mission’. During this unit we will learn about Jesus’ mission in diocese (ecumenism).
The ‘Memorial Sacrifice’ topic will help us explore how the Eucharist helps join people together and provides a sense of belonging as one big community-the community of God.
Lent will be our final topic of the Spring Term. In Year 5 we will be delving into the sacrifice made by Jesus.
Summer Term:
Our first topic during Summer Term is called ‘Transformation’ and is focussed on the energy and power we have and how we use it. We also look at the celebration of the Holy Spirit’s transforming power.
Our second topic during Summer Term focused on ‘Freedom and Responsibility’. During this topic, we will discuss what freedom means and the responsibilities that each of us have in our lives.
We will then focus on another World Religion, Judaism focussing on the time of Passover.
For our final topic, we will be focusing on ‘Stewardship’ and how each of us as children of God has a responsibility as a steward of creation.
Autumn Term:
Our Geography topic during Autumn Term is Why do oceans matter? Which explores the significance of our oceans and we will learn about how humans use and impact the oceans and how this has changed over time. Pupils will study the great barrier reef and h plastic and pollution is damaging this marine environment, before considering positive environmental changes that can be made including making eco-friendly choices. They use fieldwork skills to investigate the amount and type of litter in their nearest marine environment.
Spring Term:
In the Spring term, Year 5 will be looking at What is life like in the Alps? The will work on map skill and locating countries. They will also explore physical and human characteristics in the Alps. They will conduct research about humans and physical features of the town of Innsbrook and well as using a variety of data collection methods to record information and compare this to their own local area by using fieldwork of our local urban environment.
Summer Term:
Our Geography topic for the Summer Term will be exploring the question Would you like to live in the desert? During this topic we will be identifying lines of latitude to locate where hot desert biomes are located on earth as well as describing the characteristics of these areas. We will conduct research into the Mojave Desert and explore many aspects of this such as how the land is used and how human activity may impact the changing climate.
Autumn Term:
In Autumn, we will be exploring the question, what was life like in Tudor England? We will compare Henry VIII and Elizabeth 1, explore the changing monarchy and examine how monarchs tried to control their public image sand royal progresses.
Using Tudor inventories, children will investigate what life was like for people living in Tudor times.
Spring Term:
In Spring we will be exploring the question, Were the Vikings raiders, traders or something else? We will explore why the Vikings came to Britain and the history of Viking sagas.
We will also explore Viking achievements and how they impact the world today.
Summer Term:
In Summer, we will be exploring the question, What did the Greeks do for us? We will be looking at eh history of ancient Greece and how their history effects our everyday lives today.
We will research into the beginning of democracy and how Greek philosophers still have an impact today.
P.E Kit
PE takes place every Thursday afternoon in Year 5. Please send your child in wearing the appropriate PE kit (white T-shirt, black/grey or red shorts/leggings, plain black pumps or trainers)
Reading and Homework
Please encourage your child to read every night for around 5-10 minutes. Reading records must be brought to school on a Friday to be checked that they have been signed by a parent.
Spellings are given every Friday and spelling booklets must be returned to school each Friday for out weekly spelling test.
Times Tables Rock Stars is also part of your child’s weekly homework. They should be accessing the website at least four times per week.
Topic homework is given to complete over the course of a half term and the children can choose to complete their homework in a variety of ways.
Keep up to date with our latest news by following @SacredheartL7 #SH7Year5